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T-shirt size unique to you
Having a Cottongin bespoke t-shirt means that everything is 100% customized to fit you as an individual. We’ve poured decades of our Bespoke drafting knowledge into a machine-learning algorithm to calculate your individual body measurements and create t-shirt size unique to you. Providing with height, weight, and body type computer build your 3-D body model and calculate more than 70 individual measurements, considering all the features of your body shape and morphology. After the measurement stage, the craftsman at Cottongin transfers your measurements onto an individual canvas.
Keeping your perfect garment more personal
Adding a monogram isn’t about making your good garment look perfect it’s about keeping your perfect garment more personal. For those who enjoy individually crafted, beautifully tailored garments, there is nothing quite like the pleasure of seeing your initials subtle embroidered on the very bottom of your cottongin t-shirt. It is neat and clean, stitched using the finest threads to make it feel seamless and give your t-shirt its final character.
Your name embroidered on the label

We also have your name beautifully embroidered into the inside of your t-shirt. Carefully hidden from other eyes it's entirely individual and deeply personal detail that nobody knows about. Only those with a tireless obsession about details can fully appreciate that.

Touch-and-feel textures for your hands to explore
Created with curiosity and craftsmanship in mind, Cottongin packaging designed to awake your tactile sensors and please your eyes. Made as a book with a hardcover and the elastic closure its surface covered with traditional Japanese washi paper that gives a dense and warm feeling, much like textile, thick plain-weave wool with a napped surface. You can even notice the direction of the fibers as it looks like a giant brush spread them on the surface. The box is made from 100% recycled cardboard where each layer is exclusively shaped and gathered by hand. The almost seamless scent you can feel while interacting with the package was exclusively created for Cottongin. This scent is the thing that wraps all together. Clear and simple, free of extravagance package, aimed to communicate nothing but the significance of what is inside.

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